From the Summer 2024 Musical Times, available now

Peter Phillips: ‘The China tour’
Andrew Thomson: ‘Redemption by the spiritual purity of nakedness: d’Indy’s Istar and an ancient Assyrian legend’
Brian Newbould: ‘Dissonance in tonal music 2: more complex, personal, or referential dissonances; hyper dissonance’
James Porter: ‘Maiden, poet, composer, princess: agents in the making of Louis Berger’s Colma: scène ossianique (1810)’
Lionel Pike: ‘An eye for colour: John Ward and the madrigal’
Arnold Whittall: ‘What music tells us’

and a review by Andrew Thomson of

Julian Rushton: Berlioz: Symphonie fantastique

Arnold Whittall: Schoenberg: ‘Night music’ – Verklärte Nacht and Erwartung