Ronald Broude & Mary Cyr: ‘The musical work before the work concept, or the 18th-century acceptance of musical compositions as works’
Brian Newbould: ‘Dissonance in tonal music 1: purpose and principles’
Arnold Whittall: ‘2024 and all what? Forward to basics’
Stephen Arthur Allen: ‘Fanfares, flourishes & tattoos: narratives in Herbert Howells’s Pageantry (1937) and Three figures (1960) for brass band’
Lionel Pike: ‘Cambridge puzzles? Howells at Evensong’
and reviews by Richard Langham Smith and Andrew Thomson of
Étienne Jardin: Exposer la musique: Le festival du Trocadéro (Paris 1878)
Clair Rowden: Opera and parody in Paris, 1860–1900
Fiona Maddocks: Goodbye Russia: Rachmaninoff in exile