
From the Autumn 2010 Musical Times, available now


Arnold Whittall: ‘Weaving a spell: Wagnerian craft in
Der fliegende Holländer
Chris Walton: ‘Mendelssohn on the Mersey: the lives and work of Jakob Zeugheer’
Roger Bowers: ‘Of 1610: Claudio Monteverdi’s “Mass, motets and vespers”’
Alon Schab: ‘On the ground and off: a comparative study of two Purcell chaconnes’
Andrew Thomson: ‘The organ in some striking orchestral, operatic and choral contexts’
James MacMillan & Richard McGregor: ‘James MacMillan: a conversation and commentary’

Book reviews

by Patricia Howard, Nicholas Jones, Chris Walton, Arnold Whittall and Peter Williams of

Matthew Riley, ed.:
British music and modernism, 1895–1960
Jennifer Shaw & Joseph Auner, edd.:
The Cambridge companion to Schoenberg
Arved Ashby:
Absolute music, mechanical reproduction
David Metzer:
Musical modernism at the turn of the century
R. Larry Todd:
Fanny Hensel: the other Mendelssohn
David Ledbetter:
Unaccompanied Bach: performing the solo works
Ruth Katz:
A language of its own: sense and meaning in the making of western art music
Ian Bradley:
Water music: music making in the spas of Europe & North America

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