From the Summer 2012 Musical Times, available now


Patricia Howard: ‘The castrato composes: Guadagni’s setting of “Pensa a serbarmi, o cara” ’
Leo Black: ‘Late thoughts from Schubert: the 1828 replacement Benedictus for the C major Mass’
Rodney Stenning Edgecombe: ‘Popolaresco, peasants and primitivism’
Eric Saylor: ‘Valedictory Variazioni: form and function in the first movement of Vaughan Williams’s Symphony no.8’
David Howard: ‘The way forward: building on Dean Hussey’s vision’
Benjamin Dwyer: ‘ “Within it lie ancient melodies”: Dowland’s musical rhetoric and Britten’s Songs from the Chinese

Book reviews

by Andrew Thomson, Arnold Whittall and Peter Williams of

Tomi Mäkelä: Jean Sibelius
Philip Ross Bullock, ed.: The correspondence of Jean Sibelius and Rosa Newmarch 1906–1939
Daniel M. Grimley, ed.: Jean Sibelius and his world
Lewis Foreman, ed.: The John Ireland companion
Stephen Downes: Hans Werner Henze: Tristan (1973)
Louise Duchesneau & Wolfgang Marx, edd.: György Ligeti: of foreign lands and strange sounds
Amy Bauer: Ligeti’s laments: nostalgia, exoticism, and the absolute
Richard Steinitz: Explosions in November: the first 33 years of Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival
Mattias Lundberg: Tonus peregrinus: the history of a psalm-tone and its use in polyphonic music)