
From the Autumn 2019 Musical Times, available now


Robin Maconie: ‘Messiaen: confessions’
Benjamin Dwyer: ‘Joycean aesthetics and mythic imagination in the music of Frank Corcoran’
Brian Newbould: ‘On Mozart 2: Mozart and the Prague terraces’
Patricia Howard: ‘Guadagni the composer: a modest addition to his portfolio’
Christopher Mabley: ‘Johann’s Passion 3: further observations on Bach’s self-composing in his spiritual choral and organ music’
John Harley: ‘Who was William Watton?’
Richard Turbet: ‘Mr Bird, Mr Ferdinand and Mr Holborne: new lessons’
Eric L. Altschuler & Edward D. Latham: ‘Weelkes and Rossi: a concert 420 years in the making’


by Andrew Thomson, Arnold Whittall and David Wright of   
Pierre Boulez: Music lessons: the Collège de France lectures
Oliver Soden: Michael Tippett: the biography
Jonathan Impett: Routledge handbook to Luigi Nono and musical thought
Arnold Schoenberg: Schoenberg’s correspondence with American composers
Mark Berry: Arnold Schoenberg
Emily Abrams Ansari: The sound of a superpower: musical Americanism and the Cold War
Chris Price: The Canterbury Catch Club 1828: music in the frame