Warwick Lister: ‘Dragonetti, Viotti and those superb sextets of Mozart’
Kris Steyaert: ‘Mozart with a French twist: “Mademoiselle Jeunehomme” revisited’
Mark S. Zimmer: ‘Liebe: the discovery and identification of a Beethoven song lost since 1822’
Andrew Thomson: ‘Berlioz and Byron in the shadow of Napoléon’s downfall: a new look at Harold en Italie’
Arnold Whittall: ‘From earlier to later Wagner: conflict and transformation’
Philippa Tudor: ‘The composer and the critic: Gustav Holst and Edwin Evans’
Veronica Mary Franke: ‘Klatzow reinvented: from modernist, non-tonal activist to tonal art-music champion’
Ömer Egecioglu: ‘A note on Heifetz’s arrangement of Rameau’s Rigaudon’
by Patricia Howard and Geoffrey Álvarez of
Tim Carter: Understanding Italian opera
David Kimbell: Handel on the stage
Joseph Vella Bondin: The great Maltese composers: historical contexts, lives and works
Tim Carter: Understanding Italian opera
David Kimbell: Handel on the stage
Joseph Vella Bondin: The great Maltese composers: historical contexts, lives and works